Resourceful Teaching: A First-Year Statistics Instructor’s Story of Success

Teaching a course for the very first time is a nerve-wracking experience for any instructor. The anticipation of how the semester will unfold and the responsibility of imparting knowledge effectively create a sense of uncertainty. However, with the right resources, instructors of all experience levels can help their students succeed.

A great example of this success is Professor Brenda Long, who recently taught Math 119, Elementary Statistics at San Diego City College for the first time. Even though she was a bit nervous, Professor Long conquered the spring term prepared with Hawkes Learning’s Beginning Statistics eBook + student software and helpful resources like the provided PowerPoint slides and engaging lesson-level videos. With all these tools at her disposal, she was able to provide her students with an amazing learning experience.

“I was a bit nervous at the beginning of the semester as I had not taught this class before,” Long shared. “However, with all the resources that were available to me, I was successful.”

Hawkes Learning offers an engaging and mastery-based Learn, Practice, and Certify learning path for homework assignments. Long utilized this interactive resource to help her students learn and apply statistical techniques at their own pace with error-specific feedback to help solidify knowledge. Professor Long’s proactive integration of technology into the classroom created a vibrant learning atmosphere and encouraged students to actively participate in shaping their education.

“One of the reasons I was so successful this semester was that I was able to take my students into a computer lab,” the instructor revealed. “With the Learn and Practice mode, I was able to assist them during a lab hour.” This hands-on approach to teaching statistics proved to be immensely beneficial, particularly for students who struggled to grasp the concepts independently. By providing personalized guidance during the lab sessions, Long addressed individual difficulties and improved students’ understanding of statistical principles.

The outcome of the course surpassed Long’s expectations with every student who completed the course successfully passing the class! Undoubtedly, Long’s commitment to utilizing available resources and providing exceptional support to students has played a vital role in this achievement. Hawkes Learning takes great pride in collaborating with devoted educators like Professor Long, as they enhance the student experience and empower learners to reach, and exceed their goals.

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